Tag: boiler service

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Common Boiler Repair Needs

One of the biggest advantages to having a boiler that heats your home, is that most boilers in general require less repairs and fewer replacements than if you have a furnace or heat pump. Why? This is because boilers have fewer mechanical moving parts. With fewer mechanical parts, there is less wear over time. With this, you can anticipate occasional calls for boiler repairs in the Denver area. With any given boiler, you can usually get anywhere from 20 to 30 years of service from a well-installed boiler company such as Advanced Boilers & Hydronic Heating. This is twice as long as the average lifespan of heat pumps and furnaces which can vary anywhere from 10 to 15 years tops.

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Boiler Repair

Boiler Repair Guide

In choosing to go with a boiler to heat your home, versus using a forced-air system such as a gas furnace, boilers use hydronic power to circulate heat. How? Hydronic power is in other words the power of water, which is used to circulate heat to radiators and baseboard heaters that in turn, send out clean, dust-free warmth into rooms. In doing this, boilers tend to perform more efficiently on average than furnaces.

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